1、如果申请人的最高学历与申请就读硕士的课程有关,则可以在简历中详细说明自己的学历情况; 2、如果申请人想强调自己以前的学习成绩很好,也可以写上; 3、如果是申请博士或博士后,那么就可以在简历中加上自己发表过的论文以及参加的科研项目;
4、对于已经毕业的学生来说,可以列出自己在读期间所修全部课程的主修和副修科目及平均绩点等等; 如果还没有毕业的话,则可以写上所学课程的进度,包括目前还在上哪些课等,但必须真实,而且还要有学校的成绩单作附件支持,以免被领事馆查出来是伪造的。 在留学移民申请时,一般都需要通过签证面试。在面谈过程中,领馆官员会考察申请者是否具备基本的英文交流能力。因此申请人应该提前准备基本的问题及答案并熟记于心。以下是一些常见问题的答案供您参考:
Q1 What will you do in Canada?
A You may wish to give a summary of your plans (i.e., study/training program or employment contract) and what you hope to gain from this new experience. If you are coming for training which is related to your previous studies then it would be helpful if you mention how the course relates to your field(s) of study, e.g. , "I am attending this seminar on computer science as part of my Masters in Business Administration".
Q2 How long have you been preparing yourself for this trip? A The time line can help show that you take this process seriously, even though immigration officials know that students often start applying early since they want to make sure their visas are approved before classes begin.
Example:After I got accepted by XXX University, I started to apply in June last year; after I completed all paper work including my police report which took me two weeks, I submitted online application form with the relevant documents like academic transcripts, passport copy etc at mid-August; received my visa invitation letter on November first, so I booked tickets on December ninth. Therefore we could say that we've been studying about Canadian immigration law(and visa requirements)for more than half a year. In addition to that we have also arranged our life affairs accordingly. For example we have paid some deposit money into bank account, made a reservation for an apartment, etc. Also mentioned earlier when answering question B above should definitely not be forgotten. It shows that you haven't just rushed through this whole thing but thought over every detail prior to departure day.