但有一点要注意的,就是虽然你把孩子定义为儿童或是少年,但你不能改变政府给他们的定义(例如政府说他是未成年人,你就不能称他为成年人了) 这个一定要记住!不然到时候会出问题的。 最后我还特意在表格上注明: I declare that the information given above is true and correct to my best knowledge, ability and belief. 签完名后交给领事馆,然后就等消息喽~ 现在两个孩子都已经是美国人了哦~
"I am now an applicant for the F-1 visa(非移民签证类型) and my main purpose of this application is to be admitted as a fulltime student at your institution. I have completed high school with satisfactory academic standing in mathematics, physics and chemistry,and will major in science or engineering during my future study at XXX University(XXX大学). With regard to employment in the U.S. after graduation from the university, you can write a letter on behalf of XXX Univerisity's international office stating that we are prepared to accept you back to school if necessary until you obtain permanent residence status or even after the completion of our degree programs but before obtaining any other job offer." 如果你的计划是在美国完成硕士或者博士学习然后留在那里工作,就按照这个来写。