

小作业来了! 美国博士申请论文怎么写(上) 在申请博士学位的过程中,研究提案是必不可少的一部分。那么,什么样的研究提案才算是好的呢?今天,我们给大家列举几个标准,供大家参考~

1. Your statement of purpose (SOP) should answer the question “What is your interest in this field/topic and why are you qualified to undertake this research?” The SOP can be a short or long document, but it needs to include the following elements:

2. Your background and qualifications are essential in order for an admissions committee to make an informed decision on whether to admit you into their program. The information that they will need is:

2a. Your academic history – GPA, major(s), minor(s), degree(s), etc. This information shows how well you have performed academically as well as which subject areas you have studied.

2b. Your prior research experiences – any research you may have been involved with, especially if it was related to the topic you plan to study at the postgraduate level. It is important to show that you understand how to conduct independent research.

2c. Any work experience you have had-related to academia or not-can help demonstrate that you are capable of managing time effectively, developing skills and having new ideas.

3. Now that you know what to tell them about yourself, try to think about who you are and what you want to get out of the program。 Make sure that your interests align with those offered by the institution so that you can provide appropriate justification for your choice.

4. Now you must convince us that you are actually equipped enough to carry out high-quality original research。 You will need to present your idea as clearly and concisely as possible, demonstrating its significance and value. Consideration should also be given to methodological issues that might arise from conducting future research along these lines. In addition, you should discuss past research pertaining to your area of focus, including any literature that pertains to the question being asked.

5. Finally, remember to have fun writing the proposal, as well as showing the passion you would bring to the thesis project itself。 A good way to


我觉得你的问题可能是: 为什么要读PhD 以及为什么选择这个导师。 我觉得你这个问题没有直接答案。因为每个人的经历不同,对问题的理解也不一样。 但是我想说几点我的看法(可能对你有帮助) 1. 你是不是真的喜欢这个领域? 这个兴趣可以是很广泛,很宽泛的,也可以是非常局限在某个方面的。如果你还没有一个具体的研究计划的话,我想你可能还没到能申请的时候;但如果你已经有自己的研究想法了,那你要想想自己有没有必要把博士读完。 2. 你是否已经做好进入一个全新的环境并且独立地开始研究的准备?

3. 除了做科研之外你还有什么兴趣爱好?这些爱好是否能帮到你度过那些难熬的日子呢?如果答案是肯定的,那么恭喜你——你有足够的动力和热情去读博! 但问题是大多数人的理想是成为科学家而不是业余科学家啊... 所以他们需要从其他方面来获取帮助,比如找一份好工作,或者开一家小公司,又或者只是单纯的谈恋爱结婚生小孩等等都可以帮助他们渡过这一段“黑暗时期”
