

1月5号更新的题目,就是最新的答案! 烤鸭们终于等到雅思口语换题季了! 最近疫情反反复复,很多烤鸭都被困在家里不能出门,正好可以利用这个机会备考雅思啊。




回答思路: 这个题目问的是“最喜欢的日子”,答主可以结合自己的经历来谈,可以是真实发生的也可以是虚构的,但是要注意真实性。题目要求的是“最”喜欢的day,所以不用面面俱到,讲太多细节,抓住一个亮点重点讲述即可,下面给出我准备的答案。

The most important thing in life is to find happiness every day. AndI am glad that I can do the most interesting things on this special date. For me, it was an unforgettable day and the memories are still fresh in my mind until now. I have been interested in English from an early age and wanted to be a translator when I grew up. So I decided to take part in some English competitions held by local radio stations as well as TV channels. These activities were very beneficial to me in improving my communicative skills and confidence level. In fact, participating in these contests was one of the best decisions I had ever made because it led to what I am doing today——passionate about language learning and teaching. It has also given me the opportunity to meet many new people and make friends around the world. On this memorable day, all the participants presented their ideas on machine translation with such enthusiasm that everyone in the audience could feel the magic of English language coming alive in our daily lives. We were not just speakers but listeners too, exchanging views and discussing topics we found fascinating.

It was really enjoyable and inspiring for me to spend time with like-minded people who had the same interest in English as mine. One thing led to another, and soon after that, I came into contact with the company where I currently work. They offered me a job which allowed me to use both my language skills and love for English on a daily basis. This is how my dream of becoming a translator started to come true. Until now, I still remember the moment clearly because it was truly amazing and filled with so much hope for the future.


2014下半年雅思口语考试将在7月5日更新新题库。每年会进行两次换库,分别在2月和8月,每次换库会有50%的新题。每年2月和8月的换库是固定的,除此之外如果出现插库(意外换库),则新题库的出现时间和新题的比例是不定的。 通常在换库前的最后一个星期,新题会以试问的形式出现。为了大家更好的备考,教育频道小编会第一时间公布雅思口语新题库,考生可继续关注我们的雅思口语频道。

