

sex是一个中性词,表示“性别”的英文意思是:the quality of being male or female. 例句:What are the sex and age ranges for these people? These people's ages, by the way, fall between thirty-five and seventy。 这些人中男女的年龄范围是多少呢?顺便说一下,年龄在35岁到70岁之间。 1、Sex has always been used in medicine to refer to the biological differences between males and females。 (1945) 医学文献一直把性用来指称男性和女性的生物学差异。(1945年)

2、In fact, sexual difference is a very old idea that goes back even before Christianity was established。 In its original sense, “sexual difference" referred only to the difference between men and women。 Sexuality can also mean "manner of life" (生活方式)or "style of clothing"(服装式样). (in English, it often refers specifically to a certain style of dress which developed during Victorian times, typically worn by middle class women: high necked long skirts with wide puffed sleeves and a corseted waist, sometimes with a veil)

3、The word sexuality means something different from what we normally think when we use this term。 It does not have to do with our genital organs; rather, it concerns how we relate to each other socially。 The term came into common usage around the turn of the century after having been coined by the French psychiatrist, Charles Gilbert Bourneville who applied it to describe an individual’s sexual behaviour as well as their attitudes towards love and intimacy。 在世纪初,这个词汇进入了人们的日常生活当中,当时人们普遍用这个词来指一个法国精神病学家创建的概念——“性欲”,这个人就是查尔斯·吉尔伯特·伯恩维勒。他首先将这一概念用于描述人的性行为以及他们对爱情和亲昵的态度。


在申请留学的时候,我碰到了这个问题,当时我在填表格的时候就选了女,但是最后出来的结果却是没有性别(X)选项,所以我很奇怪为什么会有这种情况;然后打电话给学校问这是什么情况,对方给我的答复是“这个没有关系的,你就放心吧”.... 后来真的没有再发生什么问题了=-= 我也以为真的没有关系了,直到我看到一个答案的评论里说到这样会使得你以后无法拿到美国的绿卡—— 因为美国移民法规定,同性恋是无法获得绿卡或公民身份的。(我是从网上看到的不是我的个人观点) 如果您在美国工作的话,那么请参考如下文章:http://www.paulhayzic.com/2014/10/obtaining-green-card-for-the-first_31.html
