

先占个位置,我最近也面签通过,不过我是B2的签证 背景介绍: 本人男,30周岁,美国硕士毕业,工作四年(美本),已婚无孩,国内top5高校博士在读(硕博均为全奖);父母均国企退休职工,有社保和医保;老公也是985硕,目前是某一线城市高中教师。 申请的是J1签证,由于时间的关系没有选上visa waiting list,所以只能等排期去面谈。签证官是位亚裔女士,比较nice,全程英文问答。下面是我的问答实录: V:What is your school name? W:....university and graduate program I'm currently enrolled in is called MSE Department of electrical engineering 我怕她听不明白所以把学校名字的中文翻译也用上了,她点点头表示明白。

V:Where you live after graduation? W:New York state, Syracuse city V:Why not California? Your husband work at a high school but it seems to me he has enough savings, why don’t you two have lived there with him before marriage or during master degree study instead of living separately? What do you think about the difference between New York and Califoria in terms of cost of living? Can you send me some information on those places like housing price, food price etc so that i can help you understand better where you should live after completing my studies. Do you know how much your friends paid for their student loan? And tell me what you will be doing there?

W:It depends really, we plan to both look for job when we go back to China because its easier to find one there if you speak Chinese as well as English; however, since my spouse already had his bachelor education from USA and he doesnt need to take language test which means he may earn more money than I would if he stayed here, therefore we are planning for us to live together again in NY. In order to pay off our student loans by ourselves, we decided to start small business which hopefully could generate more income while also allowing us to stay close to each other. However, even though we want to live in same area, we still dont exactly know whether we would move into the house my parents are currently residing in (which was made available due to this visa application process), since they would rather prefer having only my younger sister living with them, who just got married recently, while she still works part time job nearby her workplace now.My brother lives near his workplace too, hence maybe we wouldn’t move anywhere until my father finishes building a new addition onto their current home.And then there are all these factors such


先恭喜这位同学拿到offer! 其次,对于去美国的问题我觉得还是要具体问题具体分析的。 对于去美国的留学生的申请方面来说的话,我认为现在的情况是利大于弊得情况呢。 因为在美国留学的学生越来越多,而每年国家都增加着留学生名额的限制。所以相对来说竞争压力还是越来越大。 但是目前对于申请的要求上并没有说有什么提高。只是增加了学生录取后的面试比例而已。 所以从整体上来说对申请的条件要求没有变化的情况下,反而还增加了一定的难度。
