

1.20年秋季入学,硕士一般授课型1年,研究型2-3年 2.生活费和学费的算法都是一年哦! 3.申请的时候没有语言成绩没关系,拿到offer后补就可以啦~

4.UBC, 多大,滑铁卢这些大学都需要考gre的哦 5.需要看具体专业呢,不同专业和学校的学制是不一样的,一般情况是:

1)Master of Science: 1year(9 months) for most science masters, with many programs starting in September; there are also some that start in January or May; 18 to 24 months is typical range when you include required research time and dissertation writing. 16-months MS program available at the University of California, Santa Barbara for example. Some graduate schools offer fast track master's degrees designed as preparation for PhD study (e.g. 1 year MEng degree in engineering offered by several universities such as MIT), which usually require students to have undergraduate honors. These often emphasize coursework over research experience but can be quite intense, particularly if they are offered concurrently with a PhD programme rather than exclusively for non-PhD students. See Master’s programmes without thesis for more information on these.

2)Mphil generally requires completion of both course work and a research paper or project(depends entirely upon the institution and its requirements); one could think of this as an intensive MS program, although sometimes it does not take place entirely within the same academic session. This typically equates to between 1-2 years of fulltime studies; however, many institutions consider their MPhil to be equivalent to a Masters Degree, even though they do not award a title along those lines, e.g. King’s College London offers MPhil/PhD pathway leading directly to PhD conferral. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s MPhil programme lasts two years and includes research training and supervised research. In Scotland, where taught postgraduate programmes tend to be MAs, MPhil is normally used where research methods would be taught to support the MA thesis whereas MSc is ordinarily used for research oriented courses. A number of UK universities still use MPhil as an abbreviation for Master of Philosophy, which was previously the normal doctoral degree in most Scottish Universities until the mid twentieth century; nowadays this degree would generally be awarded following three to four years of research for a thesis of around forty thousand words, depending upon subject


我17年去的,读的master of management(MM)。因为当时已经拿到了工作offer,所以是直接申请了学校的双录课程,也就是不用雅思成绩申请的。 在学校里上课的时候,我发现我的同学们大部分在移民方面有比较明确的目标。比如我所在的班就有两个同学是想要申请魁北克技术移民的。当然也有部分同学是没有移民倾向的,他们只是想来加拿大读书而已。 一般来说,研究生毕业的学生是可以申请到3年的开放工签的,只要你在加拿大有雇主为你担保就可以了;如果你是想留下来工作的,那么可以走省提名或者EE快速通道。 我个人觉得还是直接读master比较好,因为这样可以提前适应加拿大的生活并且为就业做准备(比如说学习一些实用的专业技能),这样对你的未来是很有帮助的。
