

这个问题其实很复杂,因为加拿大的税收制度非常庞大而且不断变化着。但是总的来说影响税率的因素有四个,每个都很重要且都不断在变化当中: 1. 税率级别:联邦/省/地区/特殊行业的不同税务等级 2. 税率等级:个人所得税率,公司所得税率,资本利得税 3. 免税额:家庭/个人/特殊人群的豁免限额 4. 减免政策:退税, 扣税等 (比如加拿大政府会定期调整上述的“家庭”定义以适应经济情况的变化) 以联邦层面为例,根据目前的税法(URL),目前联邦一级有以下几个主要类别的税费: GST(销售税) HST / QST(合并营业税) PIT(普通收入所得税) PRRT(石油收入纳税义务) 具体而言对个体纳税人(single or married filing separate returns)及夫妻联合报税人(married couples filing jointly and survivor filers)来说,需要缴纳的收入相关税款包括:

- 联邦GST和HST;

- 地方QST;

- 省/地区的PIT;

- federal PIT ;

这些是基本项目,对于不同的申报主体,还会涉及很多其他的细节。而所有项目的计算基础就是每个人的年收入,这个年收入被分成两部分来计税: - taxable income(可征税收入,也叫adjusted gross income, AGI); - tax-free amount(免税额, 也称allowance, EI , TFSA etc.), 这部分可以免征个税和其他大部分税费。 对个体纳税人来说taxable income包括: - earned income : 工资收入,自雇收入,投资收益等;

- capital gains, dividends & other investment income: 投资所得,如资本利得和投资分红;

- government benefits received : 领到的政府福利,养老金等等;

- miscellaneous amounts :其他收入项,比如赠款,继承收益,利息收入,保险赔偿等。 而对夫妻联合报税人来说,taxable income还包括了配偶的收入,因此taxable income比个体纳税人要多一些。 Tax Free Amounts则主要包括几个项目: - EI, CPP, QPP 和 RPS 的 contributions: 个人缴纳的失业险、退休金、工伤险;雇主给员工缴纳的失业保险(EI) , 及员工个人从雇主处收到的EI补贴 ;

- TFSAs and RRSPs: Tax free savings accounts, Registered Retirement Savings Plans. These are basically flexible retirement vehicles that allow their holders to make tax deferred investments into stocks , bonds etc. This way you can grow your assets while paying taxes only when you withdraw the money from those plans at some point in time later on down the road, which should be after age of retirement as per current rules. In case you don’t have a plan yet this is definitely something worth investing for yourself if possible because these funds do not need to be declared each year like with regular registered plans , so they get taxed just once rather than annually.

- Child care expenses: up to $8,000 per child under 16 years old. A single parent could also claim $8,000 per dependent child regardless of his/her marital status, provided he/she meets all eligibility requirements for claiming the children's tax credit. Please note that the above-mentioned allowance includes daycare fees


加拿大在2015年加税了,当时还是给移民一个惊喜呢! 这次加税也是意料之中吧,之前一直觉得税率太低了(相对于欧洲和美国) 现在看来就是加拿大政府太“良心”了呢,现在加拿大的企业是越来越多了,很多公司都是要避税的,如果政府不加税的话他们就要去美国做避税了,那对加拿大的税收就真的是雪上加霜的了 不过还好加了税,不然又得有人骂我这种没良心的人了。
