12月9日开始的,我是下午场的考生 考试地点:内蒙古财经大学(赛罕校区)外语楼 进场顺序是抽题签决定的,我和我们同考场的小伙伴进去之后,看到桌子上放着几个袋子,上面分别写着日期,我们被告知要抽两个号码,然后决定自己进入后所要做的准备工作。因为只有一个监考老师,所以我们在门口讨论了一下,决定一人看一个题目,这样方便互相讨论和记录。我抽到的数字是5,需要看Part one的话题及题目范例;我小伙伴抽到了6,需要看一下part three的题目及范例。于是我们各自开始准备。在阅读题目时需要非常认真仔细,因为会有考生因为没有看完题目而遗憾失分的先例!!!
Question: Do you think education is important in life? Why or why not?(你认为教育在生活中重要吗?为什么?)
Answer(参考): Education is very important because it can help to build a better future. For example, we need knowledge and skills from education in order to succeed at work and to get on in life. We also need it to have more choices about our lives so that we don't have to depend on others financially. I believe if you are educated, you will be able to make better choices for yourself than those who aren't. And as you may know, most of the people in poor countries are uneducated, but they were born with no choice to be any different. Therefore, some of them might use illegal means to make money——like drug dealing——in order to survive.
In conclusion, we should value education, which leads us to a brighter future and gives us the right to choose what we want from our lives.
我的回答大概用了3-4分钟。期间老师会让学生进行 natural break 也就是休息一下,但是时间不会很长,大概10秒钟左右。之后继续答题。