中大的设计类学科分属两个学院,一个是在人文院里的比较文学及语言系(MA in Design),一个是工学院里面的生物医学工程学系(MSc in Design). 两所院校的设置和课程设置各有不同,但授课老师的师资力量是共享的。要读的话最好提前了解一下具体要选哪个学院~
1. MA in Design 这个是人文院的嘛,专业设置很多,有兴趣的可以去官网看看哦~
2. MSc in Design 这个是工学院的,主要培养工业产品设计、人机界面、信息可视化等方面的人才。下面是我找到的相关介绍~ The BME Programme is designed to produce multidisciplinary scientists and engineers with a solid foundation in Biomedical Engineering as well as in related disciplines, such as Information Technology, Mathematics/Statistics and Systems Biology. Our graduates will have the skills to conduct cutting-edge research, develop innovative solutions for biomedical applications and serve leadership roles in the rapidly growing field of bioinformatics. With state-of-the-art facilities on campus, our programme integrates theory and practice across biological, mathematical and engineering sciences.